
Toile de Front (Fire Waltz) a film by Marc Ménager and Mino Malan

The Museu da Marioneta, in partnership with MONSTRA 2011 | Lisbon Animated Film Festival, returns to the backstage of animation. These are the puppets and original scenes from the french movie Toile Front (Fire Waltz) from Marc Ménager and  Mino Malan. Taking as a backdrop the First World War, Marc Ménager and Mino Malan created a set of puppets and scenic spaces from the story of a group of soldiers who have a very special mission. They are also passionate about music and find in the “remnants of war” materials to make musical instruments and create a group that provides music and hope to their mission and to their brothers in arms.
Ciclo: February 25 to April 30, 2011